Grievances and legitimate demands

Grievances and legitimate demands

Today, at the end of the 20th century, civilized societies under majority rule firmly believe that such rule should not infringe upon the rights of minority groups.


On the authority of the Human Rights Proclamation of the United Nations these rights include:


Each individual's right to equal education, equal job opportunity for equal pay, equal housing, welfare and protection under the law.


Each individual's right to free worship in the church of his choice. Each individual's right to speak his own language, to keep and develop his ethnic cultural heritage, to keep and develop his ethnic identity without interference from the ruling majority.


Each individual's right to live within his own ethnic group, and the right of this group to self-administration.


As was proven in the previous chapters, the Socialist Republic of Rumania is found in flagrant violation of each of these basic human rights in regard to the Hungarian minority.


1. Hungarian districts, Hungarian cities, townships and villages are denied self-administration.


2. Hungarian schools are eliminated step by step.


3. The public use of the Hungarian language is forbidden.


4. The publication of Hungarian literary and professional books' journals, periodicals are severely restricted.


5. The Hungarian Churches are under constant harassment. Archives, libraries and museums are confiscated.


6. Hungarian children are forbidden to speak their own language on the school-grounds.


7. Hungarian cemeteries are desecrated.


8. Welfare packages, including Bibles, sent into needy relatives from other countries are confiscated. Welfare donations sent from overseas to Hungarian churches Transylvania, whether they serve the purpose of renovations or to relieve the need caused by flood, earthquake and other catastrophies, are constantly redirected by the Rumanian authorities into other parts of the country, and distributed among Rumanians only.


9. Hungarians are discriminated against in the fields of education, job, housing, welfare and every other aspect of human existence.


10. Hungarians in Transylvania live under constant harassment and gross intimidation from teachers, officials, administrators, police and military personnel with the purpose of forcing them to change their names, and declare themselves Rumanians.


11 . Hungarians are constantly moved out of their homes under various pretexts, and resettled into new and foreign environments, while their homes are given to Rumanians, brought over from Rumania proper in order to "de-Hungarize" the Hungarian-inhabited regions of Transylvania.


12. Whenever the Rumanian government establishes a new industry in a Hungarian region, the jobs in that industry are not offered to the local population but Rumanians are imported for this purpose, and settled in homes confiscated from Hungarians, who are deported into Rumania proper in order to make place for the new settlers.


13. Relatives and friends of Hungarians visiting from the West are under daily harassment by Rumanian authorities, and after their departure those whom they visited are taken to the police station for lengthy interrogations, where they are often abused and beaten.


14. Hungarians are allowed to participate in sports only if they change their names, and declare themselves Rumanians.


15. Those students who graduate from one of the few schools left where the language of instruction is still Hungarian are denied entrance into Universities.


Since each and everyone of these grievances not only conflicts with the Human Rights Proclamation of the United Nations, and with articles VII and VIII of the Helsinki Agreement, but are in flagrant violation of the Peace Treaties signed by Rumania as well as the very constitution of the Socialist Republic of Rumania, it has become necessary that the rightful demands of the Transylvanian people be brought to the attention of the civilized World, as follows:


1. The recognition of the Hungarian language in Transylvania as the second official language.


2. The establishment of two or more Hungarian Autonomous Regions under strictly Hungarian administration. Cities and townships with a Hungarian majority must also have their own Hungarian administration' including the police force.


3. The re-establishment of all Hungarian educational institutions, including the Hungarian universities of Kolozsvar and Marosvasarhely.


4. The return of all confiscated archives, libraries and museums.


5. The re-establishment of Hungarian cultural organizations, literary societies, literary and professional publications, publishing houses.


6. The re-establishments of the freedom of the chutches and churchrelated organizations.


7. The return of old Hungarian cemeteries under the care and authority of the Hungarian churches and cultural organizations.


8. All signs and markers in Hungarian-populated cities, towns and villages must be bi-lingual.


9. Those Hungarians who were deported from their native environment or have moved from their homes under duress, sha1l be allowed to return home and be employed there. Rumanians, who were moved into Hungarian towns and villages with the purpose of diluting the Hungarian character of the area or filling the better paying jobs at the expense of the native Hungarian population must be returned into their own provinces.


10. Equal opportunity in every field of human existence, including the termination of job-discrmination.


11 . The termination of all harassments and intimidations in re1ation to nationality. This includes census, postal service, transportation and welfare, as well as the treatment of visitors from foreign countries, and the treatment of those persons who receive these visitors.


12. Aid or relief sent to individuals, churches or church-related organizations by individuals, churches or church-related organizations in foreign countries must be allowed to reach its destination, and serve the purpose it was donated for.


These demands represent nothing more than normal expectancies due a native population of a country, which, during the course of history, finds itself taken over by another nation, and plunged into the unfortunate status of a minority.

Szerkesztés dátuma: hétfő, 2010. december 27. Szerkesztette: Kabai Zoltán
Nézettség: 3,084 Kategória: Irodalom » Documented facts and figures on Transylvania
Előző cikk: Population Következő cikk: Conclusions



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