The Phantom of the Opera válogatások

2 videó - 1925
Fell out of copyright... At the Opera of Paris, a mysterious phantom threatens a famous lyric singer, Carlotta and thus forces her to give up her role (Marguerite in Faust) for unknown Christine Daae. Christine meets this phantom (a masked man) in the catacombs, where he lives. Most prints of this movie are from the 1929 reissue version. This version is from 1925. Phantom of the Opera was remade several times. In 1943, director Arthur Lubin produced a 92 minute color version. Oscar winner for Cinematography and Art Direction. In 1962, Phantom of the Opera was directed by Terence Disher, starring Herbert Lom, Heather Sears. 84 minute British production. In 1989, director Dwight H. Little produced the fourth version of Phantom of the Opera with Robert England and Jill Schoelen. Shot in Budapest, but set in London. The 1999 Italian version of The Phantom of the Opera was directed by Dario Argento.



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The Phantom of the Opera

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Feladás dátuma: szerda, 2012. szeptember 12. Nézettség: 209



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