John Dowland

171 videó - 1562
John Dowland (Dublin?, 1562. – London, 1626. február 20.), ír származású angol zeneszerző és lantjátékos.
Fiatalságáról, tanulmányairól nem sokat tud a zenetörténet. Az biztos, hogy 1579-től öt évig a párizsi angol követ, Henry Cobham lantosa volt. Franciaországban áttért a katolikus hitre, talán ennek is tulajdonítható, hogy otthon nem kapott felvételt a királyi lantosok közé. Újra Európába utazott, eleget tett a brauschweigi herceg és a hesseni őrgróf megbízásának. A szívélyes fogadtatás ellenére rövid idő múlva Itáliába utazott. Velence és Firenze voltak az első állomások, ahol neves zenészekkel és menekült angol katolikusokkal teremtett kapcsolatot. Dowlandot megrémítette a hír, ami szerint az emigránsok I. Erzsébet királynő meggyilkolására készülnek. Eredetileg ugyan Rómába akart menni Marenzio, a híres zeneszerző meghívására, de szinte menekülésszerűen Nürnbergbe utazott. Innen írta meg a hírt Angliába korábbi pártfogójának, Sir Cobhamnek. Egy idő múlva hazautazott, de változatlanul nem kapott komoly állást. 1598-ban igen komoly fizetésért IV. Keresztély dán király szolgálatába állt. 1606-ig maradt Dániában, ahonnan könnyelmű életvitele miatt kényszerült távozni. Angliába visszatérve Walden lord udvarában helyezkedett el. A lord kiváló kapcsolatai révén 1612-ben – I. Jakab király idején – végre a királyi udvar lantosává nevezték ki.
Dowland saját korában virtuóz lantjátékáról várt ismertté és kedveltté Európában, ismertebbé, mint hazájában. Nagyszámú zeneművet, főleg táncdarabokat szerzett lantra, de vallásos zenéket, zsoltárokat is írt. Legkiemelkedőbb és legmaradandóbb műfaja azonban az air, a lanttal kísért dal volt. Ebből négy gyűjteménye is megjelent még életében.

"Come again" by John Dowland
"Flow my tears" by John Dowland | Valeria Mignaco, soprano | Alfonso Marin, lute
"in darkness let me dwell" by John Dowland
Andreas Scholl - I Saw My Lady Weepe - John Dowland
Andreas Scholl canta "Flow my tears"
Barbara Bonney "Come again, sweet love doth now invite" John Dowland
CEMC - John Dowland (1563-1626) - Fine knacks for ladies
CEMC - John Dowland (1563-1626) - His golden locks
CEMC - John Dowland (1563-1626) - Now, O now, I needs must p
CEMC - John Dowland (1563-1626) - The lowest trees have tops
Cameron O'Connor plays: Nocturnal after John Dowland (Benjamin Britten) part 1
Can she excuse my wrongs? -- John Dowland
Can she excuse my wrongs by John Dowland
Come Again, John Dowland, performed by The Stairwell Carollers, Ottawa.
Come Again. John Dowland.
Come again -- John Dowland
Come again - John Dowland
Come again - John Dowland ( Valeria Mignaco, Alfonso Marin & Adrian Mantu )
Come again by Shona Allen
Come again sweet love - John Dowland (guitar and tenor)
Come away come sweet love, John Dowland, arranged for alto and guitar.wmv
Consortium5 - John Dowland, The Earle of Essex Galiard & William Brade, Coranta
EVELYN TUBB - John Dowland: Come again
EVELYN TUBB: John Dowland - In darkness let me dwell
Edin Karamazov (Lute) - John Dowland Forlorn Hope Fancy
Ensemble21 John Dowland, Lachrimae Antiquae Verae
Fantasia-John Dowland
Flow My Tears
Flow My Tears - John Dowland
Flow my Tears - John Dowland
Flow my Tears - John Dowland
Forlorn Hope Fancy-John Dowland, Julian Bream
Four Pieces by John Dowland played by Brian Wright, lute
Fretwork - Pavan Lachrimae Antiquae (John Dowland)
Hopkinson Smith, Dowland A Dream
In darkness let mee dwell - John Dowland
J. Dowland/K. Battle: Come again, sweet love..!
J. SAVALL · Hespérion XX · "Lachrimae Antiquae" · Dowland ·
John DOWLAND - Galliards - Paul O'DETTE.avi
John Dowland "Lacrimae Pavan" played by Max Lehmann
John Dowland "Melancholy Galliard & Allemande".....played by Jamie Andreas
John Dowland "My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home" (16e Eeuw)
John Dowland "Weep You No more Sad Fountains" Paul Agnew
John Dowland's "Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite"
John Dowland's "Lady Laitons Almayne" played on a Bandora
John Dowland's Semper Dowland semper dolens (viol consort)
John Dowland (1562-1626) A Fancy, Jan Grüter, lute
John Dowland(1563-1626) - Instrumental.wmv
John Dowland (1563-1626): The Earle of Essex Galiard [a5] - The Royal Wind Music
John Dowland (1563-1626) Me, me and none but me
John Dowland, In darkness let me dwell, Christian Hilz, baritone, Rolf Lislevand, lute
John Dowland, Lachrimae Pavan, classical guitar Nataly Makovskaya
John Dowland, Queen Elizabeth's Galliard
John Dowland, Sir John Langston's Pavan
John Dowland - "If that a sinner's sigh"
John Dowland - "In Darkness"
John Dowland - "My thoughts are wing'd with hopes"
John Dowland - A Coy Joy - lute
John Dowland - A Fancy (P6) - Lute
John Dowland - Allemande
John Dowland-As I Went To Walsingham
John Dowland - Can she Excuse (P42) Lute
John Dowland - Can she excuse my wrongs
John Dowland - Can she excuse my wrongs?
John Dowland - Come, Heavy Sleep
John Dowland-Come Again
John Dowland - Come Again [german lute]
John Dowland - Fantasia No. 1
John Dowland - Fine knacks for ladies
John Dowland - Flow My Tears
John Dowland - Flow not so fast, ye fountains - Emma Kirkby
John Dowland - Fortune my Foe
John Dowland - Fortune my Foe - Eric Lemieux, Guitar
John Dowland - Frog Galliard
John Dowland - His Golden Locks
John Dowland - I Saw my Lady Weep
John Dowland - In Darkness Let Me Dwell
John Dowland - In Darkness Let Me Dwell
John Dowland - King of Denmark's galliard (P40) - Lute
John Dowland - La Mia Barbara (P95) - Lute - Luth
John Dowland - Lachrimae Antiquae
John Dowland - Lachrimae Pavan (P15) - Lute
John Dowland - Lachrimae Pavan (P15) - Lute
John Dowland-Lachrimae Pavan, and galliard
John Dowland - Lachrimae coactae - Gambrinus
John Dowland - Lachrymae Pavan & Mrs. Nichols Almain
John Dowland - Lady Laiton's Almain (P48) - Lute
John Dowland - Lagrima Pavan
John Dowland - Lute Music
John Dowland - Me, me, and none but me
John Dowland - Mrs. Nichols' Almain
John Dowland - Mrs Vaux's Galliard (P32) -Lute
John Dowland - My Lady Hunsdon's Puffe - lute
John Dowland - Orlando Sleepeth [Höfner HF-14]
John Dowland - Piper's Pavan
John Dowland - Preludium (lute)
John Dowland - Queen Elizabeth's galliard - lute
John Dowland - Say Love if ever thou didst find
John Dowland - Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens (P9) - Lute
John Dowland - Sir John Smith (lute)
John Dowland - Sir John Smith, his Almain - Francesco Teopini - Classical Guitar
John Dowland - Sir John Smith His Almain - Lute
John Dowland - Tarleton's Riserrectionne - Lute
John Dowland - The Frog Galliard - (P23) - Lute
John Dowland - The Frog Galliard - (P23a) - Lute
John Dowland - The Right Honourable Robert, Earl Of Essex His Galliard
John Dowland-The Sick Tune
John Dowland - The frog galliard
John Dowland - The shoemaker's wife (A toy) - Lute
John Dowland. Preludium
John Dowland. White as lilies was her face.
John Dowland: "Flow my tears" (1600)
John Dowland: "If My Complaints" (a galliard)
John Dowland: "Welcome Black Night" and "Cease, Cease These False Sports"
John Dowland: Air
John Dowland: Awake, Sweet Love (performed by Well-Tuned Words)
John Dowland: Can She Excuse
John Dowland: Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard." or "if my complaints could passions move"
John Dowland: Come, heavy sleep
John Dowland: Come again - madrigal
John Dowland: Fantasie No 7
John Dowland: Farewell (Günsberger Ákos)
John Dowland: Fine Knacks for Ladies
John Dowland: Frog Galliard - Gergely Gembela
John Dowland: Frog galliard. Guitar: Andrea De Vitis
John Dowland: Sir John Smith His Almain
John Dowland: Sorrow Stay
John Dowland: The Frog Galliard
John Dowland A Piece Without Title
John Dowland Can She Excuse My Wrongs - Ensemble LUXURIANS / dir. Alina Rotaru
John Dowland Fantasia 7
John Dowland Fantasie #7
John Dowland Go nightly cares
John Dowland I saw my lady weep
John Dowland Lachrimae Pavan
John Dowland Live - Voice & Lute - The Cottager Minstrels: Come Away Come Sweet Love & Flow My Tears
John Dowland Round Battle Galliard - Francesco Teopini - Classical Guitar
King of Denmark's Galliard - John Dowland
Lachrimae Pavan (John Dowland)
Lachrimae Pavan - John Dowland - Ukulele - Lute - Luth
Lachrimae Pavan by John Dowland - Rob MacKillop, Lute
Lachrymae Pavane by John Dowland
Melancholy Galliard by John Dowland
Mistresse Nichols Almand - John Dowland - lute & viols
Mr. John Langton's Pavan - John Dowland - viol consort
Mrs. Winter's Jump by John Dowland - Tommy Johansson
Musica Humana - John Dowland: Drága perc
My Lord Chamberlain's Galliard by John Dowland
My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home - John Dowland
Nigel North records Lute Music of John Dowland for NAXOS
Ognjen Grcak - B. Britten - Nocturnal after John Dowland - Part 1
Pavana Lachrimae - John Dowland
Richard Yongjae O'Neill - John Dowland
Scheidt Gaillarde nach John Dowland
Semper Dowland Semper Dolens by John Dowland
Sir John Langton's Pavan by John Dowland, performed by Carlos Garcia-Benitez and Josep Manzano.
Sleep wayward thoughts - John Dowland - violconsort
Sorrow stay - John Dowland
Sting & Edin Karamazov (Lute) - John Dowland - Come Again
Sting & Edin Karamazov (Lute) John Dowland - Come Again
Sting - Come Again (John Dowland)
Sting - In Darkness Let Me Dwell
The Earl of Essex Galiard - John Dowland - recorder consort with organ
The Earl or Essex's galliard - John Dowland
The King of Denmark's Galliard by John Dowland (Transcription for violin & guitar)
Three Galiards by John Dowland
UniCante - John Dowland: Come Again
Volker Niehusmann John Dowland "Lachrimae"
come again sweet love doth now invite by John Dowland - Please comment.


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Dr.Edelényi-Szabó Árpád Ede

John Dowland - The Right Honourable Robert, Earl Of Essex His Galliard

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Feladás dátuma: péntek, 2012. június 1. Nézettség: 130



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