A jobb agyféltekés rajzolás - előadások (Drawing)

51 videó
„A gyakorlatok összetett hatása azt a célt szolgálja, hogy növelje önbizalmadat a döntéshozatalok és problémamegoldás során. A kreatív, gondolkodó emberi agy potenciális ereje végtelennek tűnik. A módszer segít abban, hogy tisztában legyél ezzel az erővel.”
Betty Edwards

:: Drawing a Smile ::
A Jobb Agyféltekés Rajzolás Gyakorlatban 1. - MKH.VALOSAG.NET
A Jobb Agyféltekés Rajzolás Gyakorlatban 2. - MKH.VALOSAG.NET
A Jobb Agyféltekés Rajzolás Gyakorlatban 3. - MKH.VALOSAG.NET
Arts Book Review: Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors by Betty...
Chrystal Ball in SketchBook, Drawing Mobile Phone
Drawing Eye with Charcoal, Time Lapse
Drawing Kim Hyuna Portrait, Time Lapse
Drawing Marble Frame, Time Lapse
Drawing Marble cube, Time Lapse
Drawing Mermaid, A surrealist head drawing, Time Lapse
Drawing Mona Lisa on a Mobile Phone, Time Lapse
Drawing Putto with the Galaxy Note Phone, Time Lapse
Drawing Rihanna with Charcoal, Time Lapse
Drawing Sibylla with the Phone, Time Lapse
Drawing Water Drop, Drawing on a touch screen of phone, Time Lapse
Drawing Water Drop on a Marble, Mobile Phone Screen Record
Drawing Water Drops, Step by step
Drawing Water Drops, Write Love in Waterdrops Letters, Time Lapse
Drawing Water drops on marble, Time Lapse
Drawing a Bacchus, A surrealistic face, Time Lapse
Drawing a Bunny Cartoon
Drawing a Doric Column, Time Lapse
Drawing a Portrait on Mobile Phone, Time Lapse
Drawing a Rococo Pattern, Time Lapse
Drawing a Venus Face with the Phone, Time Lapse
Drawing a Water Drop, Time Lapse
Drawing a Whistle, Enlargement, Time Lapse
Drawing an Eye on a Mobile Phone, Time Lapse
Funny Skiing, Drawing cartoons
Gangnam STYLE, Funny PSY cartoon, Drawing Caricature
Gold Sphere, Drawing Sphere, Time Lapse
Hogyan hangoljuk össze jobb és bal agyféltekénk működését?
How to draw Shadows of the Cube - Drawing tutorial
Jobb Agyféltekés Rajzolás
Optical Illusion, Drawing Impossible Cube #1 Time Lapse
Optical Illusion, Drawing Impossible Cube #2 Time Lapse
Optical Illusion, Drawing Impossible Triangle, Time Lapse
PSY Portrait, Drawing Psy, Time Lapse
Realism Challenge #3 Drawing a Scissors, Time Lapse
Realism Challenge #4 Drawing a Knife, Time Lapse
Realism Challenge #5 Drawing a Makeup Brushes, Time Lapse
Realism Challenge 6# Drawing Old Playing Cards, Time Lapse
Summer Shade, Drawing Imaginary Clouds, Time Lapse
Thank You, Betty Edwards - Michael Rosteck
The Kink, Drawing Cartoon, How to draw Ghost
Trick Art, Drawing a 3D Rhinoceros, Time Lapse
What's This? Drawing Sexy Funny Cartoon
live painting show - Woman's life


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What's This? Drawing Sexy Funny Cartoon

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Feladás dátuma: péntek, 2014. január 24. Nézettség: 284



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